2 days? How about, 60 seconds!
FreeBusy pulls together availability from all your work, personal and school calendars without mixing up the data. Keep separate personas and honor all your work and personal commitments.
The key to successful automated scheduling is easy-to-manage availability control. Prevent inconvenient, back-to back, too soon or too far out meetings.
FreeBusy integrates with your web conferencing to automatically add call details and online links. One-tap join! No more punching in access codes.
Share availability as a group, find the next available teammate, designate a calendar delegate or assign a co-organizer so meetings stay on track while you're out.
Work with global customers, remote team or travel for business? FreeBusy tracks everyone's time zone and translates all times and proposals in local times
FreeBusy does not store your calendar data and complies with IT policies and industry regulations. Business groups can manage or IT can deploy centrally.
You'll enjoy flexible features to fit your business with a single integration!